Bus tickets of Pullman on recorrido.cl
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Pullman is together with Tur Bus one of the two largest Intercity bus companies in Chile and offers routes throughout the whole country. Pullman was founded in 1940 by Pedro Farías Soto and is currently the only company that connects Chile from Arica to Punta Arenas. Today, Pullman Bus has several subsidiaries or lines of buses, including Los Libertadores, Los Conquistadores and Buses Cidher. Pullman Bus offers Fullpass, which is a benefit program for frequent travellers and provides tickets for several important routes such as Santiago a La Serena, Puerto Montt, Temuco, Valdivia and Osorno. From Santiago, Pullman Bus buses depart from the Terminal Sur, the Terminal San Borja and the Terminal Alameda. On the route, Santiago a Temuco, Pullman Bus is in direct competition with companies like Tur Bus, Thaebus, Andimar and Buses ETM.
Foundation | 1940 |
Operating fleet | 1207 |
Popular destinations | La Serena, Temuco, Valdivia, Osorno, Puerto Montt |
Departures Santiago | Terminal Alameda, Terminal Borja, Terminal Sur |
Contact phone | 600 600 0018 |
Frequently asked questions Pullman Bus:
- What is the phone number of Pullman Bus?
- The phone number of the Pullman Bus callcenter is 600 600 0018
- It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Do they offer a cargo service?
- Yes, Pullman Bus offers cargo services in the whole country
- For more information, visit www.pullmancargo.cl
- How does Pullman Fullpass work?
- The Fullpass program is now called Pullman Bus and offers varios benefits for the users.
- With every purchase in one of the Pullman Group companies, you collect points to travel for free
- How do I subscribe for Pullman Pass?
- You only have to fill this form online or register in any of the phisical agencies of Pullman Bus
- From which terminals does Pullman Bus leave in Santiago
- Pullman Bus leaves from different terminals, depending on the destination. You have to revise your ticket.
- The terminals in Santiago are: Terminal Alameda, Terminal Borja and Terminal Sur
Main Destinations of Pullman
Contact details of Pullman
Offices and phone numbers of Pullman
Important routes of Pullman:
- Santiago to Puerto Montt
- Puerto Montt to Santiago
- Santiago to Valdivia
- Valdivia to Santiago
- Santiago to Osorno
- Osorno to Santiago
- Santiago to Temuco
- Temuco to Santiago
- Santiago to Concepción
- Concepción to Santiago
- Santiago to Rancagua
- Rancagua to Santiago
- Santiago to Talca
- Talca to Santiago
- Santiago to Iquique
- Iquique to Santiago
- Santiago to La Serena
- La Serena to Santiago
- Santiago to Arica
- Arica to Santiago
- Santiago to Calama
- Calama to Santiago
- Santiago to Pucón
- Pucón to Santiago
- Santiago to Copiapó
- Copiapó to Santiago
- Santiago to Pichilemu
- Pichilemu to Santiago
- Santiago to Antofagasta
- Antofagasta to Santiago
- Santiago to Ovalle
- Ovalle to Santiago
- Santiago to Viña Del Mar
- Viña Del Mar to Santiago
- Santiago to Valparaíso
- Valparaíso to Santiago
Destinations of Pullman Bus
I and XV Region
II and III Region
Antofagasta, Calama, Tocopilla
Copiapo, Diego de Almagro, Vallenar
IV Region of Coquimbo
La Serena – Terminal La Serena
V Region of Valparaíso
Valparaíso – Terminal Valparaíso
Viña del Mar – Terminal Viña del Mar
XIII and VI Region
Santiago – Terminal San Borja / Terminal Sur
Rancagua – Terminal Rancagua - O’Higgins
VII Region of Maule
Cauquenes, Curico, Linares, Talca
VIII Region of Biobío
Concepcion – Terminal Concepción - Collao
Los Ángeles – Terminal Santa Maria de Los Ángeles
IX Region of Araucanía
XIV Region of Los Ríos
X and XII Region

Seat Categories
Pullman offers the following categories of seat:
- Semi Cama: Leather equipped seats with a maximum incline of 60°, heating and air conditioning, snacks, service assistant on board, TV/DVD, pillow and blankets.
- Cama: Extra wide leather equipped seats with a maximum incline of 65 °, heating and air conditioning, snacks, tray support for feet, service assistant on board, TV/DVD, pillow and blankets.
- Cama Premium: Extra wide, leather equipped seats with a maximum incline of 180°, heating and air conditioning, snacks, tray support for feet, service of assistant on board, TV / DVD, pillow and blankets.
(*) The Intercity bus service of the Pullman Bus holding can be done by any buses of its affiliates. Furthermore, we recommend to pay attention to the arrival of the bus.
The Ministry of transport and telecommunications evaluates the safety of Pullman Bus every half a year. According to the ranking Ranking de Infracciones cursadas a Buses Interurbanos de Empresas Extra Grandes Julio a Diciembre 2016 (N°10) del Ministerio de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones (Spanish content only), the company Pullman Bus has a violation average rate (last 4 rankings) of 12.72%.
The ranking of violation of Pullman Bus in detail
% of violation
01.07.2016 - 31.12.2016 13,1% 01.01.2016 - 30.06.2016 13,5%01.07.2015 - 31.12.2015
01.01.2015 - 30.06.2015