Bus tickets of cikbus elité / ciktur on recorrido.cl
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Main Destinations of Cikbus Elité / Ciktur
Contact details of Cikbus Elité / Ciktur
Offices and phone numbers of Cikbus Elité / Ciktur
Buy Cikbus Elité / Ciktur bus tickets here
Important routes of Cikbus Elité / Ciktur:
Categories of seats
CIKBUS Elité offers the following categories of seats:
- Semi Cama: Seats with recline of 60 degrees, tray support for feet, air conditioning / heating, TV/DVD, pillow and blankets, together with auxiliary service on medium- and long-distance routes.
- Salon Cama: Comfortable seats with a maximum recline of 65° (Salon Cama). Including service on board, breakfast for long distance tours, pillows, blankets and tray support for feet.
CIKBUS Elité buses are also equipped with: Air conditioning, cafeteria, cooling boxes, electric oven, TV, DVD devices, heating, pillows, blankets, and seat belts.